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Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education

In line with the contextual development, service needs and research practice of inclusive education in Hong Kong, the Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE) aims at promoting the betterment of inclusive education through the joint effort of the colleagues, with expertise and research interest in inclusive education as well as special needs, from different departments. The developmental needs of our Institute, schools and community are expected to be met appropriately in the variety of activities in teaching and learning, research, academic exchange and scholarly activities. 


  • ISNIE takes up the role of research and betterment of inclusion, on the basis of self-financing mode. In recent years, in achieving the aims of advancing inclusion and catering for diversity, we are proud of soliciting colleagues’ support, building up the resource centre, supporting school-based staff development, conducting research projects and producing publications. We also build up partnership with international scholars for the diversified professional development, academic exchange, research and international conferences. The community services cover Macau and many regions in Mainland China.
  • Prof. Kenneth Sin is the current Executive Director.

    We believe that:

    • all children are born equal, and should be valued and respected as unique human beings;
    • all schools should be committed to education for all. Schools should endeavour to develop every child's potential, guide and nurture every child to become a full and equally valued member of society;
    • an equal, inclusive and loving society is built upon the beliefs of mutual respect and mutual acceptance. These beliefs are rooted in the practice of inclusive schooling, family education and community education.

    We are committed to:

    • PROMOTING the implementation of inclusive education, to ensure each child, including the gifted and talented, disabled and socially disadvantaged, has access to a quality and holistic schooling;
    • ENCOURAGING schools to provide equal educational opportunity for each pupil, and to base practice on meeting individual differences, and the development of every pupil's potential;
    • PROVIDING professional educational support and training for school personnel and teachers;
    • STRENGTHENING the collaboration and cooperation between the Centre and schools, and among ordinary schools and special schools;
    • RAISING community awareness, support and concern for inclusive education through public and community education;
    • ESTABLISHING partnerships with parents to resource schools in the implementation of inclusive education;
    • PARTICIPATING actively in the development, implementation and evaluation of inclusive education related policies.